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Terry Fox

          For this assignment, I thought to take a lot of pictures, so I could have a wide selection to choose from. The three pictures I chose stood out to me the most, out of the many I had taken. They had something different from the others, such as symmetry, movement, and having a good main focal point. For all three pictures, I only did some cropping and basic editing.


       For this assignment, my inspiration for these photographs was in the town of Walkerville. I chose these three pictures because I found them to be the best angles I had. I did a dull, darker kind of feel, to add to the pictures. Only using some basic editing, I completed this look. I thought It would be a good idea, so that viewers focus more on the patterns and less on the colour. 

Camera Simulation

Motion Blur
Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 2.34.41 PM.png
Greater depth of field
Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 2.19.08 PM.png
Motion Freeze 
Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 2.33.39 PM.png
Shallow depth of field 
Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 2.19.34 PM.png


bicycle edited.jpg

I chose these three, because they all had something different. They all had very different angles, and I thought each shot was taken with potential. I decided to do only some basic editing. Though, to show that each stand out in their own way, I coloured one photo to be warm, one cold, and another more of a neutral tone. 

bicycle edited-3.jpg

For this assignment, right away I knew I wanted to use an "older" fashioned bike. I ended up also using a newer model of a mountain bike. I tried to get as many angles as possible, due to the goal of perspective that was asked for the assignment.

bicycle edited-2.jpg



I decided to choose these images because they had a theme that all related to each other. The definition of the raindrops in all of these pictures was very distinct. I loved how you could see the beauty within the water droplet up close. I used basic editing to achieve this look. 


Thanksgiving edited-2.jpg
Thanksgiving edited-3.jpg
Thanksgiving edited.jpg

For this shooting assignment, we were assigned to take pictures at our Thanksgiving events. Since I didn't have any big events going on at home, I decided to take picture outdoors, to show the beauty in the seasonal changes. I used basic editing, and a little bit of skin editing to clean up the look of the pumpkins. 


Shoes Edited.jpg
Shoes Edited-3.jpg

             For this shooting assignment, I got a couple of my friends together to take some photos. After taking them all, I came down to these three as my best because I found them to be the most detailed. I used the teeth whitening tool to clean them up a bit, along with some basic editing.

Shoes Edited-2.jpg



           For this shooting assignment, the theme was "autumn". So, I decided to get outside and get some pictures of the trees.This was a bit of a challenge because most of the trees were still green, but i managed to find a couple red-orange leaves. I used some basic editing, and some skin smoothing on light room to smooth out parts of the pumpkin. 



Oct 31-4.jpg
Oct 31-5.jpg

              For this assignment, I was to take pictures for "halloween" , but because I hadn't gotten around to it, I decided to substitute this photo manipulation in for it instead. I opened both of these pictures in photoshop in different tabs. First starting with the clock, I edited it out with the ellipse tool, holding down shift and control at the same time, to make a perfect circle. Afterwards, once I edited to circle out and pasted it into the tab with the eye, I adjusted the clock to the size of the eye. Finally, I changed the clocks tone of colour to "vivid light" to have the roman numerals blend in easier with the eye.

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